Talisman for good luck and luck: how to do it yourself? Materials and manufacturing

Amulets made by hand from natural materials are always better than those purchased in a store. They are charged with your positive energy, which means they are well suited: they will protect you from negative outside influences and attract good luck into your life.

Handmade charms for good luck

How to make an amulet at home?

You can make an amulet at home from almost any material, but how to make it - we will consider further. It doesn't matter its size, color or shape. The most important thing in the manufacture of a talisman is the right attitude and the value that you put into it.

To make an amulet for good luck and luck, you need to start making it only in a good mood. You can not start work during illness, fatigue and during a period of increased stress.

Your state of mind at this moment directly affects the future amulet:if you feel happiness and peace, then give the amulet only positive energy.

Do not rush to make a talisman as soon as you have made a decision. Wait for a favorable moment, and then the talisman will definitely work and bring good luck and luck.

What materials are suitable for manufacturing?

To make an amulet with your own hands at home, the simplest and most natural materials are suitable, with which it will be easy for you to work.

What is the best way to make an amulet:

  • from paper, cardboard;
  • dense fabrics;
  • natural leather;
  • tree;
  • herbs and flowers;
  • semi-precious stones;
  • thread;
  • coins;
  • beads.

It is better not to buy materials for making an amulet. It is desirable that they are already charged with your energy, for example, fabric or leather from old clothes, wood and flowers that grow in your garden.

Consider how to make the simplest talismans at home with your own hands.

From a coin

Red thread bracelet with a rare coin to attract good luck
  1. Choose a rare coin (foreign or one that is no longer in use).
  2. Clean it if it gets dirty.
  3. Make a small hole and thread the red thread through.
  4. Ask for a coin to bring good luck in money matters and carry it with you all the time: on your neck, wrist or in your pocket.

Pattern embroidery on clothes

Image objects that bring good luck and luck include:

  • gold fish;
  • horseshoe;
  • galloping horse;
  • bright butterfly;
  • bunch of grapes;
  • dolphins;
  • the Dragon;
  • swallows;
  • Eagle.

To attract good luck, start embroidering a pattern on the growing moon. At the same time, you must be in a good mood.

Bag of stones and herbs

Homemade bags with herbs and stones, attracting success in business
  1. Sew a simple bag of dense fabric in a shade close to natural (green, brown).
  2. Put semi-precious stones inside that attract good luck and luck: garnet, topaz, amber, tiger's eye, chrysoprase, aquamarine. You can also take your favorite stone that you hold dear.
  3. Also put dried herbs to attract success in business: chamomile, mint, oregano, lavender. To make the amulet stronger, it is advisable to collect and dry the herbs yourself in advance.
  4. Finally, add a couple of drops of an essential oil that smells good to you.
  5. Tie up the pouch and put it in a hiding place that only you know about.

When you need help in any business, take out the amulet and ask him to fulfill your request.

Bracelet woven from threads or beads

A bracelet made of threads and beads is a talisman that will bring good luck to the owner
  1. Choose threads or beads in two or three matching colors.
  2. Weave a bracelet out of them. The pattern completely depends on your imagination: it can be either a simple braid or a more complex ornament.
  3. Put the bracelet on your right hand and do not remove it until it breaks. All this time he will attract good luck and luck.

Image of the sign of the zodiac

Zodiac signs made of wood protect against negativity and bad luck

The symbol of your zodiac sign is an amulet for good luck and protects its owner from negative energy.

It is ideal to make such a talisman for good luck and luck with your own hands from natural materials (leather, clay, wood, paper), using a template.

You can wear it:

  • in the pocket;
  • in a bag;
  • on clothes in the form of a brooch or pendant.

How to wear?

How to wear good luck charms depends on what function they perform for you personally:

  • If the amulet is used to attract good luck, wealth, happiness and luck, that is, it does not have any protective function, then it is better to hide it from prying eyes. For example, wear close to the body under clothing, store in your pocket.
  • Some amulets need to be kept at home or in a secluded place where no one will find them. If you made a charm to bring good luck and wealth to the house, then you need to put it there, best of all in the kitchen or in the dining room.
  • In the event that the amulet also performs the function of protection, for example, from the unkind look of people, from negative influences, then you can wear it in plain sight.

    All semi-precious stones, as well as embroidery on clothes, have protective properties, so they can always be worn in plain sight.

  • All talismans that not only bring good luck, but also protect their owner from the evil eye, should be worn close to the most vulnerable parts of the body (head, heart). For example, you can wear earrings and a pendant with a stone.

    Amulets to attract good luck should be held on the right side of the body, for example, wearing a ring and bracelet on the right hand,Talismans for good luck and luck, made at homekeep the talisman in the right pocket of clothing.

Talismans cannot be worn indefinitely. They have their own service life, because they constantly take on negative energy.From time to time you need to clean the amulet:

  • hold under running water;
  • over the flame of a candle;
  • sprinkle with salt for a few days.

The method of purification depends on the material from which your talisman is made.

In conclusion, it must be said that no matter which amulet you choose, it is not its characteristics that are important, but your connection with it. If you feel that this particular talisman suits you and will bring good luck, feel free to wear it.